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Why Passion is the most Important trait for Success

By Kabakko App,

April 6th, 2018

Some one recently shared with me an article by Forbe’s magazine about the world’s most valuable brands in 2017.In number one, was tech giants Apple.Inc.
Naturally i was inclined on finding out what made them tick and that is how i landed on Steve Job’s autobiography by Walter Isaacson.

The legendary founder and the then C.E.O of Apple, shares some valuable lessons throughout the book, from which i zeroed down to the most important trait for success be it in one’s personal or professional life.


Steve Jobs together with his friend Wozniack founded Apple, a company that revolutionized the personal computer Industry. He became C.E.O after its incorporation but was later ousted and replaced by John Sculley.Under Sculley, the company went on a downward spiral which prompted the Board of Directors to bring back Steve Jobs in 1996 after twelve years away from his brainchild company.

Steve Job’s Second Coming

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he found the company he had co-founded a few years earlier, veering off course, his brainchild no longer had a specific direction and even worse lacked culture.
Steve was about the product, the then C.E.O Sculley was about profits and this greatly affected the only single item that made Apple- “their product”.
Steve Jobs was brought back to turn things around and sure as death, he did.What was special about Steve that Sculley lacked?


Sculley had been at Pepsi before and he was as successful as they came but he failed to handle Apple, Why?
His passion for Apple, precisely for the products(read: computers) was not as strong as that of Steve Jobs.
The one thing that makes the difference between a successful and a failed company is the passion for the work at hand.

Top Management

For the C.E.O and other top guns, it helps them quickly sieve through the million options to zero down to a single working strategy,in other-words, with great passion comes great focus.The kind that guided Steve Jobs to drop all other products and instead concentrate on only those, where the company could fully maximize its advantage.It is this same passion that should guide the HR managers when hiring, they should look out for this single ingredient from the candidates because it makes or breaks companies.It is a trait that distinguishes the “A” players from the “Bozos”.(words of Steve Jobs).


Further down the hierarchy,passion for their work is what prompts that mid level manager to put in extra hours long after the official working hours, figuring out how well to get their team accomplish whatever task is at hand.

Whatever it is you are doing right now, ask yourself
“Do i love what i am doing?” or would i rather be doing something else?”
If the answer is no to the former, resign because soon or later you will mess up and it won’t only affect you but every one else around you, be it at work or at your home.
And if the answer is yes to the latter, don’t even continue reading this just go ahead and start amidst the confusion and thank me later.

“Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life” A.R. Rahman.